Episode 0105- This week on The Meg Rock Show, I sat down with Amanda Kuda. Amanda is an alcohol-free lifestyle expert. She’s a holistic life coach, speaker, and author living, working, and playing in Austin, Texas. As a coach, Amanda helps ambitious soul-centered women stop drinking and start manifesting the life they deserve and desire. Amanda teaches a modern approach to personal development, self-actualization, and spiritual enlightenment through the lens of elective sobriety. Amanda is currently under contract with Penguin Random House Imprint, Avery, to publish her first book. You guys are going to love this podcast episode. We talk […]
Episode 0104 – This week on The Meg Rock Show I got to sit down with Maryann Trainer. Maryann is amazing, I found her on TikTok, and her videos just resonated with me, with her views on religion and God. We talk about her trauma and how her trauma led her down a very, very dark road. In her teenage years, how she was planning her suicide, and how she was so mad at God for the life that she was forced to live growing up, she cried out to God and an angel appeared. Maryann is a military veteran, […]
Episode 0103 – This week on The Meg Rock Show, I got to sit down with Laurie Lewis. Laurie is an Intermittent Fasting Coach. She shares in this interview, how she was overweight, her body was hurting and she had tried all these fad diets but could not figure out why she was gaining so much weight, premenopausal, and one day she found intermittent fasting. She fell in love and it changed her life so much that she became an intermittent fasting coach. Now what makes her so fascinating to me and why she really resonates with me is because […]